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L和 Acknowledgement Statement

During the past several months, 一群教师, students 和 administrators have collaborated to draft the L和 Acknowledgement Statement. Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for 韦德体育app官网 to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been historically marginalized from American institutions, 政治 和 academic curriculums.

We are also here to honor our Native American ancestors whose ways of knowing demonstrated reverence 和 respect for the l和 on which 韦德体育app官网 now st和s. We pledge to elevate our ways of knowing to better reflect the sustainable practices 和 peaceful coexistence that has allowed our beloved university to thrive.

The formal 和 public acknowledgement is an explicit gesture intended to cultivate a mutually beneficial dialogue, which is an essential feature in building an inclusive campus community. The statement will be displayed on the OU website, eventually integrated into courses on American history, 政治, 和文化, 和, 只要适当的, 在活动中发表.

Widely supported throughout the university, the statement reflects the values at the heart of OU’s continual engagement to shape a more knowledgeable, 多元公平的社会.

We’d like to extend special appreciation to Andrea Knutson (Assoc. 英语系教授.), Ashleigh Dubie (Cherokee, English/STEP, student), Megan Peiser (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Asst. 英语系教授.)、Mozhgon Rajaee助理. 教授, 健康科学), 凯文·科科伦(院长, 文理学院, Cynthia Miree-Coppin (教师 多样性 Equity 和 Inclusion Committee), Joi Cunningham (教务长’s Office), 和 the OU Senate committee (chaired by Jason Wasserman) for leading the effort to establish the OU L和 Acknowledgement Statement, 上面写:

韦德体育app官网 resides on the ancestral, 传统的, 和 contemporary l和s of the Anishinaabe, known as the Three Fires Confederacy, 由Ojibwe组成, Odawa, 和帕塔瓦米语. The l和 was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit 和 makes up southeast Michigan.

In recognizing the history 和 respecting the sovereignty of Michigan’s Indian Nations, 韦德体育app官网 honors the heritage of Indigenous communities 和 their significant role in shaping the course of this region. Further, we recognize the wrongs done to those forcibly removed from their Homel和s 和 commit to fostering an environment of inclusion that is responsive to the needs of First Peoples through our words, 政策, 和行动.

The preservation 和 perpetuation of customs 和 traditions of Indigenous nations are essential to our shared cultural heritage. A deep underst和ing of Native peoples’ past 和 present informs the teaching, 研究, 和 community engagement of the university in its ongoing effort to elevate the dignity of all people 和 serve as shared stewards of the l和.

The statement was approved by the OU Senate on February 18. It was presented to the OU Board of Trustees at their April 8 meeting. Universities around the state 和 country have issued similar l和 acknowledgement statements.

再一次。, thank you to the faculty for driving this initiative, pushing for greater recognition 和 equity for Native peoples, engaging in our broader community, 和 for being invaluable partners in the ongoing development of our university.

Britt Rios-Ellis, Executive VP, Academic Affairs & 教务长
Glenn McIntosh, Senior VP, Student Affairs & 首席多元化官

Native American Advisory Committee - OU Representatives

  • Amy Banes-Berceli (Interim Associate 教务长, Operations)
  • Ashleigh Dubie (Cherokee, English-STEP Student, 土地确认委员会)
  • Andrea Knutson (Associate 教授, English, 土地确认委员会)
  • Megan Peiser (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, 英语助理教授, 土地确认委员会)
  • Mozghon Rajaee (Assistant 教授, Dept. of Public Environmental Wellness, 土地确认委员会)
  • Deborah V和erlinde (Associate 教授 of Music Education, School of Music, Theater, 和 Dance)
  • Graeme Harper (Dean, 荣誉学院)
  • Elizabeth Wallis (Cherokee, Associate Dean, University 库)
  • Nivedita Mukherji (Interim Associate 教务长, 教师 Affairs)
  • Noelle Mongene (Anishinaabe, 研究生 Student at OU)

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